
Edward bernays engineering of consent summary
Edward bernays engineering of consent summary

edward bernays engineering of consent summary

About 13% of women reported smoking during last 3 months of pregnancy. Smoking during pregnancy causes miscarriage, premature delivery, stillbirth, infant death, low birth-weight, and SIDS ().sexually–repressive conservatism/male supremacy.

edward bernays engineering of consent summary

Women in the background are at the beach-bathing suits were seen as a symbol of freedom for women, women’s liberation, vs.American women didn’t smoke in public, taboo, could get arrested (one source said).Survey shows doctors recommend protein-rich breakfast.Main competitor, Ivy Lee (male), died in 1934.Inspiration for one of the world's most sinister campaigns: Joseph Goebbels' push to sell the Holocaust.Propaganda  PR Nazi propaganda: Joseph Goebbels : Crystallizing Public Opinion, Bernays (1923).(this could be 3 slides, w/pic of Goebbels and/or cover covers & pic of Freud getting honorary doctorate or something).His father, Ely, was Freud’s wife’s brother.

Edward bernays engineering of consent summary