To make things even more interesting, we wanted to build it in React Native.

One of the key features, and restrictions, for an App Clip is the size limitation. Being able to instantly show users the power of the Shop app, without having to download it from the App Store and go through the onboarding was something we thought could have a huge growth potential. Due to the App Clip design, being a lightweight version of an app that you can download on the fly, we wanted to investigate what it could mean for us. This book is also available as an open access edition.When the App Clip was introduced in iOS 14, we immediately realized that it was something that could be a big opportunity for the Shop app. Finally, there’s a collection of resources and sample documents related to OER initiatives, including faculty stipend programs, process documents, and sustainability and planning guides. The survey, both analyzed and included in its entirety, gathers information on OER and other affordable course content initiatives that are occurring at college libraries, exploring questions such as funding, how libraries are supporting OER on their campuses, and what additional services might be possible in their libraries. In six sections-Introduction, Literature Review and Bibliography, Analysis and Discussion of Survey Results, Survey with Results, Resources from Survey Respondents, and Sample Documents- Open Educational Resources provides context for OER initiatives in college libraries and provides insights and strategies for librarians who are new to the topic, part of an existing OER initiative, or looking to form a program at their institution. The College Library Information on Policy and Practice (CLIPP) publishing program, under the auspices of the College Libraries Section of the Association of College and Research Libraries, provides college and small university libraries analysis and examples of library practices and procedures.