Not everything is in the database file.There are a few problems I currently face with this project: I won't bundle or directly link to this file to avoid any potential copyright problems. You can find this file in either the DRB-III Emulator program setup (free to download here) or in the Chrysler wiTECH or StarSCAN software. Put "m" file in the same folder as the built exe.There's no compiled exe release of the program or readme yet, I'll get that set up today or tomorrow. "TX" (command) entries can be searched and have a variety of information, including (usually) the bytes to send on the bus for the command. This is far from complete and is not user-friendly (currently it's just a text/console interface with commands), but it's very promising. What I've mostly done so far is create a PC program, DRB DB Reader, that can read the proprietary database file (a non-standard binary format) used by the DRB-III emulator program. The basic idea for my project was to put the features of this expensive scan tool into the hands of anybody that owns a relevant vehicle and a cheap standard USB/Bluetooth/WiFi OBD-II scanner.

This scanner is used by Chrysler(/Dodge/Jeep/etc) dealerships/technicians when working with Chrysler vehicles that don't use CAN bus, which covers most of their late-90s to mid-00s vehicles which primarily use J1850 VPW. I started reverse-engineering the DRB-III scanner tool, or rather an emulator for it, which requires very expensive hardware to use. This is a project I started a while ago but kind of lost interest in. We could also use help with our documentation/Wiki.ĬAN LIN SWCAN J1850 PWM J1850 VPW ISO 91 Multiple No Protocol Mod note: Most of my time is taken up building hardware, if a better person for the community comes along I would be willing to hand over the sub. Our long term goal is to become the most technical car subreddit. We would also like to encourage the use of Open source hardware and software. The car hacking community is alive but fractured and decentralized, let's start by aggregating all of the many projects, and hackers. Discussion is not limited to the ECU, post any hacked DIY Aero, powertrain, suspension, or other car topics the community might like. New age hot rodders, ECO modders, security researchers, the curious, the paranoid, and the tinkerer are all welcome. This is a place for people interested in taking back control of the car they own or keeping others out. However, this brain is a closed, locked-down black box. While the engine is the heart of the car, the ECU has become the ever-evolving, all-knowing brain.